تمرین شنیداری (listening) زبان مقدماتی فایل ۹

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تمرین شنیداری (listening) زبان مقدماتی فایل ۹

Ordering in a café


قبل از گوش کردن به فایل صوتی، تمرین زیر را انجام دهید و لغات آن را یاد بگیرید:

تمرین های آمادگی

حالا به فایل صوتی زیر گوش دهید و تمرینات زیر را انجام دهید:

تمرین شماره ۱

تمرین های شماره ۲

متن فایل صوتی


Customer 1: Can I have an orange juice, please?

Server: Regular or large?

Customer 1: How big is a large?

Server: This is a large. This is a regular.

Customer 1: I’ll have a large, then, please. Without ice.

Customer 1: Sorry, I wanted freshly squeezed orange juice.

Server: I’m afraid we only have bottled juices.

Customer 1: Oh, then I’ll have an apple juice instead, please.

Server: Here you go. That’s £3.50, please.

Customer 1: Thanks.

Server: Thank you.

Server: Can I help anyone?

Customer 2: Who’s next?

Customer 3: You were first, I think.

Customer 2: What teas do you have?

Server: Breakfast tea, mint and green tea.

Customer 2: A mint tea and a slice of lemon cake, please.

Server: To eat in or take away?

Customer 2: Take away, please.

Server: There you go. That’ll be £4.20 please.

Customer 2: Sorry, I’ve only got a fifty.

Server: That’s OK. Here’s your change … 5, 10, 30, 50.

Server: Who’s next?

Customer 4: Can I have a …

Customer 3: Er, sorry.

Customer 4: Oh, sorry! Were you waiting? Please.

Customer 3: Thank you. Can I have a chocolate chip cookie, please?

Server: Would you like a drink with that?

Customer 3: No, thanks. Just the cookie.

Server: OK, then. That’s 95p, please.

Customer 3: Thanks. I think that’s right.

Server: 50, 70, 80, 85, 90, 92, 94, yep, 95. Thank you.

حالا شما برایمان به انگلیسی بگویید:

How often do you buy snacks from cafés?

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